Network Congestion Control Mechanisms (Leaky Bucket VS Token Bucket Algorithm)

Network Congestion Control Mechanisms (Leaky Bucket VS Token Bucket Algorithm)

Internet, Networking, Telecoms
Network congestion is a challenging misnomer in today’s networking world as the number of connected devices continues to increase; this article enumerates different congestion control mechanisms and compares the leaky bucket and token bucket algorithm. INTRODUCTION Network congestion in data networking and queueing theory is the reduced quality of service that occurs when a network node or link is carrying more data than it can handle. Typical effects include queueing delay, packet loss or the blocking of new connections. A consequence of congestion is that an incremental increase in offered load leads either only to a small increase or even a decrease in network throughput. (Al-Bahaddili, 2012) Network resources are limited, including router processing time and link throughput. Resource contention may occur on networks in a number of common circumstances.…
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